HTL Support News

Read the latest information and thinking on the world of IT Support Services.

HTL's Successful Visit To The Business Show This November

HTL's successful visit to the Business Show this November

HTL Support is always working towards improving the service offered to clients. Whether it's through our specialist IT knowledge or just the way in which we interact with customers, there are always lessons to be learned. One of the best ways we find to hone our skills is to get out there and meet clients face to face.

One such opportunity to do that very thing, which we like to make the most of whenever possible, is to visit industry shows. This is exactly what we did on the 16th and 17th of May this year when we visited the Business Show!

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Open Source Vs Proprietary - Which Type of IT Solution Is Best For Your Business

Open Source Vs Proprietary - Which Type of IT Solutions Is Best For Your Business

It’s a no-brainer. Acquire the solution that is the only solution available. Especially if you have the budget for it and its benefits are crucial to your business. However, what if there are two or more equally attractive options? Oftentimes, the options belong to one of two camps - open source and proprietary. Which one is best for your business?

It’s important to identify the advantages of each camp before you start choosing, because a lot of the problems you can encounter later on are simply due to misconceptions about these two families of software.

There are now many grey areas in the market. For example, a proprietary solution also exposes a substantial, but not total, part of its source code to the public. In this article, we’ll only be focusing our discussions on traditional open source solutions and traditional proprietary solutions.

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Should Your Business Use A Password Manager

Should Your Business Use A Password Manager

Password security is a major issue that no business or enterprise can ignore. Countless hacking attempts succeed due to inadequate password security. However, remembering all those strong and (hopefully) unique passwords can be tedious, to say the least. Are password managers an alternative? Let’s take a look.

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IT System Failure: Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure

IT System Failure: Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure

All businesses suffer when their IT systems fail. The catastrophic fallout can result in considerable income loss and comprehensive damage to reputation. Customer confidence is a precious commodity, and it will evaporate in light of an IT system failure.

Curing the symptoms of an IT failure is possible, but also time-consuming and expensive. A systems outage of even a few hours could result in months' worth of lost earnings. How much value do you place on your brand image? Your brand will suffer considerably in light of a system failure.

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Why UK Companies Should Start Using Big Data Analytics

Why UK Companies Should Start Using Big  Data Analytics

Organisations now have access to more data than ever, but most are only able to use a fraction of this data, leaving a virtual goldmine of information resource untapped.  What companies don’t realise is that being able to harness this data effectively can yield business information that will prove valuable to the organisation.

The challenge is to extract relevant insights from the various forms and sources of big data which inundate enterprises on a daily, even hourly, basis. The key to meeting this challenge is Big data analytics.

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5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Business IT Support

5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Business IT Support

Medium to large operations face a tough decision when choosing how to provision IT support, either  internally or by means of an outsourced provider . Both routes carry costs, benefits and disadvantages.

The stand-out benefits of IT outsourcing

After many years of providing outsourced IT support to countless businesses, HTL has come to see the specific areas of a business which benefit most from outsourced support, and why outsourcing is often the better choice. As a result, we think you should evaluate these five benefits when considering outsourced IT support.

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Data Breaches Have Hidden Costs – Learn What They Are

Data Breaches Have Hidden Costs – Learn What They Are

Data breaches can result in dire financial repercussions for any organisation that has to deal with sensitive data, whether that be personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), payment details, or other similar data. Depending on the number of records compromised, the costs range anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars.

The latest Ponemon study, sponsored by IBM and released in July 2018, calculates the full cost of “mega breaches” (involving more than 1 million lost records) to be $350 million. This figure takes into account the more evident cyber incident expenses such as those for technical investigation, customer breach notification and credit monitoring, regulatory fines and litigation services, among many others. The organisation would also have to cover the cost of investing additional resources into network security improvements.

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The Importance of Video Conferencing - and How To Get It

The importance if video conferencing

Video conferencing has been affordable for companies large and small for many years, yet many businesses have not wholeheartedly adopted collaboration by video. Though it is estimated that 64% of companies already use video conferencing for meetings, many operations skip video collaboration altogether, despite the rapid growth in the number of people working from home, including in the UK.

If your company relies solely on phone calls, IM and emails to communicate, it is worth taking a step back and considering the benefits of video conferencing. Keep reading as we outline the benefits of video conferencing, and the video collaboration options available for your business.

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8 Ways to Secure Your Employees’ Mobile Devices

8 Ways to Secure Your Employees Mobile Devices

In this blog, we’ve covered many of the ins and outs of BYOD (bring your own device), including the pros and cons. In reality, much of the discussion is no longer about whether employees should be allowed to connect to company networks with their own devices, BYOD is simply becoming the standard way of operating.

A study published in 2016 suggested that 59% of businesses allow BYOD, and things have certainly moved along in the intervening years. The only remaining point of discussion is BYOD cybersecurity. In this post, we give you eight top tips to help ensure BYOD does not pose a threat to your business.

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Beware the Growing Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Threat

Beware the Growing Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Threat

A new IT security threat is infecting computers across the globe, and it could be wreaking havoc on your organisation’s devices as you read this post. This malware threat uses a computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency, without the knowledge or consent of the owner.

Unauthorised cryptocurrency mining–or cryptojacking, as it is commonly called, is spreading like wildfire. This is not surprising, given how simple it is for cryptojacking scripts to infiltrate a computer. Hackers can initiate it using one of two methods:

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