By IT Support Team on Monday, 08 April 2024
Category: Insights

8 Types of IT Support Services that Your Business Can Outsource

Given the fast pace with which the digital world is evolving coupled with the constant pressure to improve efficiency, productivity, revenue, and data security, it’s no surprise that many organisations struggle with IT-related functions. IT environments are increasingly becoming more sophisticated, but not all companies have the necessary IT talent to manage and maintain these environments. Fortunately, enterprises are increasingly recognising the importance of outsourcing business IT support functions. It's the only logical solution to tame the proverbial “IT beast”.

This article highlights eight essential IT services that external providers can effectively handle. From the intricacies of cybersecurity and cloud management to the essentials of help desk support and disaster recovery preparation, a deeper understanding of these services enables organisations to make strategic planning in resource allocation.

Here are eight IT support functions that your company can outsource to the right third-party provider:

Help Desk Support

Help Desk services deal with a wide range of end user-impacting IT issues. These issues include password resets, account management, network connectivity problems, and other related concerns. The help desk’s primary goal is to provide timely and effective support to your end users and to keep operational disruptions to a minimum.

Helpdesk or tech support services directly impact day-to-day operations and user productivity. However, they also entail a substantial amount of time and resources. Any IT services provider can easily handle Help Desk-related issues. Hence, if you plan on taking a gradual approach in outsourcing your tech requirements, it makes perfect sense to start by outsourcing your IT support desk. Doing so can give you results that immediately demonstrate the benefits of IT outsourcing.

Cloud Services Management

Cloud services management typically involves cloud infrastructure management, service provisioning and configuration, as well as cloud monitoring and performance optimization, among others. Almost every business out there now consumes some type of cloud service, whether it be in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce, or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

While cloud services are generally easier to manage and maintain than on-premises IT solutions, many of them—especially IaaS cloud solutions—still require an advanced level of technical expertise. You definitely can’t assign cloud services management to your ad-hoc tech guy and expect everything to run smoothly. Fortunately, many IT managed services providers are now highly experienced in cloud technology. You can entrust all cloud services management functions to them. 

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Companies often overlook the importance of data backup and disaster recovery until something in their IT infrastructure breaks. By then, it’s usually too late, and they would have to deal with a disruption in operations. An effective data backup and disaster recovery strategy involves more than just data. You also have to take into account software applications, server configurations, and, sometimes, even user settings and preferences.

Indeed, when you take all these elements into account, the undertaking of planning and implementing an effective data backup and disaster recovery initiative can be quite challenging. You can minimise risk by outsourcing this IT service to experts. Seasoned IT service providers can assess your existing IT infrastructure and architect a comprehensive plan, as well as implement that plan, to ensure success.

Cybersecurity Services and Regulatory Compliance

Organisations currently face numerous cyber threats that are capable of inflicting significant financial and reputational damage. At the same time, they must adhere to data privacy/data protection regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

With so many security threats, vulnerabilities, and solutions to consider—not to mention, the wide array of IT assets to secure—you can be overwhelmed by all your cybersecurity and regulatory compliance responsibilities. A capable IT service provider can assume all these responsibilities on your behalf. They can help you put together a robust cybersecurity strategy that will not only enable you to achieve regulatory compliance, but also mitigate data breaches, malware outbreaks, and other cyber threats for you. 

Network Management and Monitoring

Every data transfer, server connection, and internet transaction relies on an optimally-functioning network. But managing, monitoring, and optimising your entire network is no easy task. You’ll have to deal with firewalls, routers, servers, and a plethora of other network devices. Not only that, you may also have to look into other internal and external factors that may affect network performance.

It’s much easier to outsource all network-related support functions to a capable managed IT services provider. A good provider can monitor your network 24/7. That way, if network performance dips, they can troubleshoot and act on the issue before it causes any operational disruption. Furthermore, a seasoned provider can implement network optimisation strategies that can further improve the performance of your network as well as the services that rely on it.

Software Deployment and Maintenance

Deploying software in a business environment and keeping it running as expected isn’t as straightforward as you think. Before you introduce any piece of software into your IT infrastructure, you need to make sure it won’t cause any interoperability and compatibility issues. And then once that piece of software is deployed, you want to keep it up-to-date and running optimally. Otherwise, it can be exploited or perform poorly.

A competent managed IT services provider will have a deep understanding of how different software solutions interact with one another. A good provider can free you from the complexities of software deployment and maintenance. By outsourcing these business IT support processes, you can achieve seamless integrations every time you bring in a new operating system, application, middleware, or software component. Moreover, your provider can institute patch management and other proactive measures that can minimise software-related issues.

Hardware Deployment and Maintenance

As with software deployment, hardware deployment also entails planning and preparation. You need to take into account any compatibility issues with existing devices. In addition, you also have to ensure the new device is properly configured. You wouldn’t want it to be a bottleneck in your network or, worse, cause any downtime.

To reduce problems during deployment and throughout the lifetime of a device, you may outsource hardware deployment and maintenance functions to a reputable IT services provider. Through their knowledge and experience with various IT hardware and infrastructure, good providers can help you achieve a favourable ROI for your technology investments.

End-User Training

To maximise their IT investments, many enterprises let their employees undergo relevant training programs. Some businesses also conduct training sessions to increase security awareness among employees and minimise the risk of cyber attacks. While end-user training is undoubtedly highly beneficial, many IT-related training programs are usually outside the sphere of an organisation’s core competencies.

To maximise their IT investments, many enterprises let their employees undergo relevant training programs. Some businesses also conduct training sessions to increase security awareness among employees and minimise the risk of cyber attacks. While end-user training is undoubtedly highly beneficial, many IT-related training programs are usually outside the sphere of an organisation’s core competencies.

If you wish to train your employees on certain software or hardware systems, or on other related technical skills like security awareness, you can tap a capable IT service provider for this purpose. Good IT providers are always up-to-date with the latest technologies and skilled in imparting their knowledge through workshops and similar training sessions. Providers may offer on-site, remote, and even customised training programs, giving you the flexibility to choose the best learning approach for your employees. 

The latest technology solutions can bring your business to the next level. But these solutions can be complex. By taking advantage of outside expertise, you can ensure that your IT infrastructure is both cutting-edge and resilient, all while minimising the administrative burden of in-house management. If you’re looking to outsource some IT support services, talk to the experts. Consult with your managed services provider today.

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