By IT Support Team on Monday, 10 February 2020
Category: Insights

AI in Customer Service - Would It Work for Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), the creation of intelligent machines that emulate human thinking and decision making, has long been touted as one of the most disruptive technologies of this decade—and for good reason too. From healthcare to finance to manufacturing and even in our homes (think Alexa, Roomba, etc.), AI has permeated almost every aspect of daily living.

A common misconception among SMBs is that only an IT company or big corporations can leverage AI. But the truth is, many businesses are already using AI solutions, especially in customer service, where it is making a significant impact.

Every business needs customer service

Customer service is a very critical driver in the public’s perception of a company. Whether consumers decide to stay loyal to and/or spend more in a particular establishment is largely determined by their customer experience with that business. Here are some relevant figures which demonstrate why every business needs excellent customer support:

We could dig up more statistics similar to these, but the emphasis is clear: business organisations should be ready to adjust their strategy to meet the increasing level of consumer expectations. The good thing is that AI-enabled solutions can be deployed to augment customer service teams that are hard-pressed in dealing with the demand. In fact:

This shows that AI solutions are fast becoming a vital component in the digital customer service mix.

How AI is transforming the customer experience

There are many ways in which artificial intelligence is revolutionising customer service, helping boost customer service, and enhancing the brand image of companies. Let’s look at some of the common use cases of AI that are applicable not only for IT companies, tech giants, and multinational corporations but also for SME’s:

Regardless of the manner in which AI customer service solutions are deployed in a business organisation, the advantages are immediately evident, and the results long term. Artificial intelligence provides quick, accurate responses where needed, provides a personalised and interactive customer experience, streamlines the sales path, generates leads, enhances productivity, and offers customer-driven insight.

Is AI for your business?

Considering the many benefits of using AI-powered tools in customer service, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t leverage these too. Fortunately, even businesses that have limited resources for tech initiatives can incorporate machine learning and AI into their operations.

Start small scale, consult with an IT company or MSP, or use ready-made solutions to effectively harness the capabilities of AI without breaking the bank. With an AI-driven strategy, you will not only make your customers happy today, but you will also better position yourself for the future.

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