HTL's recommended solution was backed by their reliable IT support team throughout the entire migration process, which made us feel in control of the situation at all times
IT Licence and Hardware Audits
Our audits and lT licencing services allow our clients to gain a complete understanding of their IT assets. Our professional team can provide independent external auditing services to an expert standard. Whether we are auditing for licencing, software, hardware, networking or security our team is at your disposal.
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Why Might You Need an IT Audit?
Software Licencing
Every business has a legal obligation to ensure that it is up to date with it’s software licencing. If you don’t you are under risk of prosecution from many organisations including the BSA, FAST and SIIA, as well as of course the Police and other Government Law Enforcement Agencies.
Don’t panic! It happens to so many successful businesses. When they grow fast, other things take priority.
IT management structures change, organisations merge or IT support teams get replaced. Some companies such as Microsoft offer special discounted programs to incentivise you to get things legal.
HTL can perform alicence audit quickly and cost effectively, and make recommendations on how to bring your software licencing up to date in the cheapest way possible.
FSA Compliance
As a service provider to many Financial organisations we are often asked to help FSA compliancy officers to ensure that key aspects of their IT systems are up to scratch. Specific issues of concern may be Countering Financial Crime Risks in Information Security and Data Security in Financial Services. Our support team are standing by to assist you compliancy team.
Asset Sheet
Your accountant or finance team may need to know exactly what equipment you have to ensure that it is listed on your balance sheet accurately.
ISO 27001
Sometimes considered essential for FSA Compliance, but often used for other purposes is the "ISO/IEC 27001:2005" Published by the International Organization for Standardization. It largely deals with the security of an organisations’ data both in storage and as it crosses the network. Unlike ISO auditing companies we help our clients by recommending and implementing the changes required to achieve the ISO27001certification.
IT Management
Knowing exactly what you have is the first step to planning where you want to go. Once you have this information, you can plan your future IT strategy, check warranty or service status, and even save yourself money. The government saved 80% of HMRC’s costs by implementing more effective IT management.(read here)