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How to Embed YouTube Videos on Your Website

This short tutorial will help you embed YouTube Vidoes to your Terapad website on 5 easy steps using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari browsers only. At the moment, Internet Explorer does not support this.

We have inserted a short video clip to make it easier!

1. Login to your control panel. For example,

2. Navigate to WYSIWYG editor.

3. Go to the YouTube video that you wish to add. After the video has loaded, right-click on the video and select ‘Copy Embed HTML’.

4. Once you have copied the code, go back to your site and click ‘Insert an online video’ icon on WYSIWYG editor. A pop-up window will appear and you need to paste the code you just copied to the box provided. Keyboard shortcut is CTRL + V for Windows user and Command-V(or Cmd-V for short) on Mac. Hit Insert Video to save the codes.

5. You will be redirected to the editor; this time hit Save Changes button to save your work. Go to your site and refresh the page.

If you have followed the steps correctly, you will see the YouTube video embedded on your site. Otherwise, redo the process from step 1 to 5.
