HTL Support News

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14 Questions to Ask Before You Renew Your IT Support Contract

14 Questions To Ask Before You Renew Your IT Support Contract

You walk into your office tomorrow. Before you can get a cup of coffee, one of your managers tells you that your IT service contract is going to expire in two months.

You've been frustrated with poor service and technology for months. Now, you have an opportunity to improve the situation. Your IT manager stands at the ready with a few recommended IT service providers. Are you equipped to sort through the options and call them?

Before you sign on the dotted line to renew your IT service contract, go through these questions. Investing an hour today could save you months of effort, risk and frustration.

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7 Signs Your Company Is Ready for Cloud Migration

7 Signs Your Company Is Ready For Cloud Migration

While there may be a few businesses that don’t need to embark on cloud migration, they’re really more the exceptions than the rule. If you’re still pondering on whether it’s already time to move to the cloud, here are some tell-tale signs your company is ready for it.

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Shadow IT - a Threat or a Benefit?

Shadow IT - a threat or a benefit?

Acceptable practice or unacceptable risk?

Shadow IT is the practice of using technology within a business without the knowledge or approval of the IT function.

This includes anything from a single employee using a low-cost app, to an entire department, such as Project Management, adopting a cloud software application to support its Line of Business (LoB).

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Your IT Support Provider Plays a More Critical Role in Your Business than You Think

Your IT Support Provider Plays A More Critical Role In Your Business Than You Think

When you enter into a managed services agreement with an IT support provider, you’re likely driven by the potential cost savings, particularly in terms of labour costs. What you probably don’t realise is that, in addition to helping you save on costs, an IT support provider can actually play a very critical role in the success of your business.

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7 Big Reasons Why the Cloud Is More Efficient than On-premise Computing

7 big reasons why the cloud is more efficient than on-premise computing

Data centre optimisation and consequential benefits for businesses

Cloud computing is delivered from purpose built data centres which optimise the environment and the support systems for online software applications and the data which businesses store in the cloud. Companies that opt for cloud software solutions and services enjoy exceptional consequential benefits.

Quite simply, cloud computing is inherently more efficient than on-premise approaches to provisioning the technology services that support operations in your business.

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Can Your Network Withstand the Onslaught of IoT Botnets?

Can Your Network Withstand The Onslaught Of IoT Botnets?

DDoS attacks that force websites to go offline and cripple servers are nothing new, but many of the massive DDoS attacks last year, which also happened to be the biggest in history, had a common characteristic we’ve never seen before. They all originated from hordes of zombified IoT devices, also known as IoT botnets.

Because IoT devices are here to stay, this threat won’t be going away anytime soon. If your network includes websites and other Internet-facing applications, you need to understand what these threats are, how it can impact your business, and what we in the business community can do to protect our IT infrastructures from these types of attacks.

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Why Is the Cloud More Physically Secure than On-premise Computing?

Why is the cloud more physically secure than on-premise computing?

The thing about data security…

Uncertainty about the security of the cloud has often been the deciding factor that has made some businesses retain an on-premise approach to provisioning technology to support operations.

High profile, security breaches involving large volumes of data, typically hackers stealing account and password and other personal information from online businesses, have created much doubt and distrust about the cloud, not to mention anxiety for those that have had their information stolen.

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5 Reasons Why Our Clients Choose HTL Support to Provide Technology Services

5 reasons why our clients choose HTL Support to provide technology services

HTL Support lets clients get on with what they do best

At HTL Support, we aim to offer professional IT support services with a difference. The foundation stone of our business is to employ expert technology support technicians with good people skills. Our friendly IT Guys take the hassle out of supporting IT issues so you can get on with the thing you most desire - running your business and practicing what you do best in servicing your customers or clients.

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7 Ways Cloud Computing Will Make You a Better Accountant

7 Ways Cloud Computing Will Make You a Better Accountant

Benefits of Adopting Cloud Technology for Accounting Firms

‘’Cloud Computing’’ could be akin to a tech buzzword that has been around for years. However, unless they have been living under a digital rock, accounting firms will be aware that cloud computing has finally moved from just another buzzword to a real tool for businesses.

According to a report by Intuit, almost 80 percent of U.S. small businesses will be fully adapted to cloud computing by 2020 with an increasing number of respondents currently using it or planning to within the next two years.

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The Value of an IT Firm That Understands Regulation in Your Sector

Value of IT firm that understands regulation in your sector

An increased compliance burden

The issue of increased regulation is a challenge to many businesses. The regulatory burden has been increasing; indeed, in stark contrast with the public sector slashing budgets, the powers and capability of quango executive agencies seem to have expanded.

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