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Think your VPN is Safe? Think Again.

Is your VPN safe

VPN use is widespread and for good reason: it brings large security and privacy benefits to end-users as it shields internet usage from prying eyes. But what if the VPN provider you’re using is susceptible to foreign government interference?

What if your VPN provider’s host country provides little in the way of data protection legislation? Have you considered whether the owner of your VPN service takes data security seriously at all? VPN users don’t always ask these questions – but they certainly should.

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  2542 Hits
2542 Hits

What Goes on In the Dark Web?

Dark Web

The World Wide Web has always been a valuable source of information and a reliable means of communication to masses of users across the globe. With more than 5 billion Google searches made every day and a projected $3.5 trillion online retail sales for 2019, you’d think that the internet as we know it is already as vast as it can be.

Unknown to most people, however, is that the surface or visible web—the part of the internet which the average user can access through search engines—comprises only about 4% of the entire web. The rest is composed of the deep web, a small part of which is the oh-so-mysterious (for the curious) but essentially shady, dark web.

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  3413 Hits
3413 Hits

Is Ransomware Still a Threat?

Is ransomware still a threat

The year 2017 was a dismal year for IT security, particularly in the arena of ransomware.

Less than 12 months ago, the ransomware worm WannaCry wreaked havoc across the globe, placing large organisations – including NHS trusts in England and Scotland, at the forefront of one of the most prolific cyber attacks in history. Then followed NotPetya (initially believed to be the Petya malware of 2016) in June, which also spread quickly and, even without the aid of human intervention, managed to harm multinational companies.

Yet more ransomware attacks compromised the data of individuals and organisations, but they were not nearly as high profile as the aforementioned attacks, and this prompted many people to believe that ransomware is no longer the threat that it was twelve months ago. But is this really the case?

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  2909 Hits
2909 Hits

Four Reasons Why Your Company Should Use Web Content Filtering

Company should use Web Content filtering

Web content filtering is typically supplied as part of broader cybersecurity measures, with most internet security appliances offering the option to enable filtering, and many default configurations enabling it from the outset. Yet as with many topics in information security IT personnel should never assume that content filtering features are active or optimised. In this article, we outline key reasons why content filtering is still so important, and briefly describe how to enable content filtering for your organisation.

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  4893 Hits
4893 Hits

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Take DNS Security Seriously

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Take DNS Security Seriously

When businesses embark on cyber security initiatives, one of the things that’s often overlooked is DNS security. Many people forget or simply aren’t aware that a compromised DNS infrastructure (or any critical component of that infrastructure) could potentially lead to considerable downtimes, malware outbreaks, data breaches, and several other forms of cyber incidents.

These things can happen because DNS or the Domain Name System plays a crucial role in almost any user-initiated activity that takes place on the Internet. DNS is in charge of resolving the easily-recognisable names like or that users enter into their web browsers, email clients, or file transfer clients into the IP addresses (e.g. that computers use to communicate with one another.

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  4091 Hits
4091 Hits

Protecting Your Staff and Business from E-Mail Spoofing

Protecting Your Staff and Business from E-Mail Spoofing

The prevalence of firewalls and anti-virus software has closed many of the common attack vectors that cyber criminals use to gain unauthorised access to networks and to bypass online security. For this reason, attacks increasingly rely on fooling users into allowing access to systems: legitimate-looking emails that easily clear the common-sense hurdle can hide malware and well-planned hacking attacks.

Even with the necessary protections in place, it is surprisingly easy to “spoof” an address, with a form field that looks correct in every way; except for the fact that the sender is not who it appears to be. Most users will think twice about opening an attachment sent by an unknown sender, but if the attachment appears to be from a colleague the usual caution is sometimes left by the wayside.

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  3940 Hits
3940 Hits

Why is Ransomware Becoming the Favourite Attack Dog of Cyber Criminals?

Why is Ransomware Becoming the Favourite Attack Dog of Cyber Criminals?

Of all the types of malware wreaking havoc these days, one clearly stands out - Ransomware. This troublesome malware appears to be gaining a lot of fans in the cybercrime community and has, in turn, caused considerable stretches of downtime on a large number of organisations.

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  4694 Hits
4694 Hits

This Is How A Drive By Download Sneaks Malware Into Your System

This Is How A Drive By Download Sneaks Malware Into Your System

There used to be a time when it was relatively easier to prevent malware from infecting our systems. We’d install an antivirus, keep its database updated, and equip end users with a laundry list of things to avoid - like suspicious email attachments and unfamiliar websites. Today, drive by downloads are making malware avoidance a more challenging task.

A drive-by download is a malware infection procedure that doesn’t require the user to download anything or even click a link. For his/her system to get infected, the user only has to visit a site that’s been compromised. The infection process then takes place behind the scenes, without the user ever noticing anything unusual.

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  5307 Hits
5307 Hits

Britain Shaping Up to Confront Cyber Risks

Britain shaping up to confront cyber risks

In the wake of Brexit, it seems like there has never been a more important time to attract businesses to the UK. There are still plenty of reasons for multinationals to set up shop here. While it has experienced setbacks in recent times, London has retained its status as one of the world's financial hubs. We also have the fifth largest economy in the world according to GDP (Nominal), and despite the current uncertainty, there are still solid strategic reasons for companies basing themselves in the UK.

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  3488 Hits
3488 Hits

5 Hidden IT Risks that are Slowly Threatening your Business

5 Hidden IT Risks that are Slowly Threatening your Business

Information technology risks range from the very apparent to the silent and hidden. The majority of businesses mitigate the most obvious risks: only an irresponsible IT operation will do without network firewalls in place or skip on regularly updating operating systems and software. Yet it is the less obvious risks which can trip up even carefully run IT functions – and which can cause progressive or indeed sudden harm to your business.

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  4166 Hits
4166 Hits