HTL Support News

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6 Ways HTL Support Enables Legal Firms to Meet the Specific Regulatory Requirements for Outsourced IT Solutions

Cloud Solutions for Legal business firm

The legal profession and exemplary compliance practice for data

HTL Support specialises in providing technology solutions for the professional services sector. Perhaps above all others, the legal profession needs to demonstrate exemplary practice. Poor practice may have very serious consequences measured in a currency that exceeds the value of mere money.

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Microsoft Invests out of Safe Harbour Wrangle but It Doesn’t Change the Right-sized Partner Rationale for Smaller Enterprises

Data Privacy Safe Harbour

Safe Harbour renegotiation by the end of January

Following the EU ruling that rendered the Safe Harbour agreement invalid last October 2015, in November Sataya Nadella (the current wearer of Bill Gates’ big Microsoft CEO shoes), announced investment in UK data centres as part of a $2bn European cloud infrastructure development plan.

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6 Ways to Identify a Good Hosted Desktop Service Provider

Identify good Hosted Desktop provider

Strong business case using outsourced services

Service providers of technology solutions are a necessity for today’s businesses. Even if an organisation has technical expertise in-house, it’s impossible to operate without service provision from an external company. It may be internet connectivity; offsite data backup; or cloud applications; but it simply isn’t feasible for an organisation to be self-sufficient and operate in complete isolation.

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Veeam Silver Propartner Status Underscores Our Commitment to Delivering High Quality Solutions for Services Sector

VEEAM disaster recovery solution with Serviced Cloud

Accredited to provide leading back up and DR solutions

HTL Support is proud to announce that we are now accredited Silver ProPartners for Veeam backup and hosted disaster recovery (DR) solutions.

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Hosted Desktop Calculator: See Just How Affordable It Is to Offload the Burden of Desktop Computing

Serviced Cloud Hosted Desktop calculator

More efficient IT and financing of business technology

Hosted desktop provides great benefits, allowing businesses to offload a number of burdensome issues. For small businesses without IT expertise in-house, it provides the essentials to keep your people productive and free from niggly IT issues that soak up time. For larger businesses with IT skills in-house, it lets the tech team concentrate on higher value strategic or customer facing tasks that are of significantly more value that administrative management and support of desktop computers.

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Free Migration to Hosted Desktop Services with HTL Support

Free Cloud Migration with Serviced Cloud

New on-premise server and storage infrastructure data transfer

Typically, when a service provider carries out an on-premise upgrade to replace server or storage hardware, it often quotes for carrying out installation work. Some of this may include charges for data transfer from legacy devices over to new storage. This may accrue significant costs, especially where the charge is based on the volume of data that needs to be transferred.

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Google Project Loon: Hands up If You Thought ‘Cloud’ Was Only a Metaphor for Data That Is Just ‘Out There’ Somewhere…

Google Project Loon data in the cloud

Project Loon is all about balloons

It sounds like a sci-fi send up cooked up by Spike Milligan or some equally whacky member of the lunatic fringe; however, it’s a fact Google Project Loon has started to be deployed.  “And what precisely is Project Loon when it’s at home,” some may ask…

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It’s Official: Benefits of Cloud so Compelling for Finance Firms That FCA Issues Specific Guidance!

Cloud Solutions for Finance Sector

Guidance for firms outsourcing to the ‘cloud’

When it comes to regulation, until now, the document ‘Considerations for firms thinking of using third-party technology (off-the-shelf) banking solutions’ issued in July 2014 had been the chief source of leadership from the FCA on such matters.

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Get the Benefits of Hosted Desktop in 1 Week with HTL Support

Hosted Desktop Migration in one week

Exploiting the benefits of cloud technology PDQ

Our guide 'Back to the future: The advantages of hosted desktop computing for financial sector firms' discusses why the solution is a good choice for finance sector firm and others in the scope of FCA regulation. HTL Support is able to deploy a Hosted Desktop solution in 1 week. Here we look at how you can start exploiting the benefits of cloud technology PDQ...

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As Safe Harbour Flounders Private Cloud under UK Data Sovereignty Remains Best Assurance of Privacy

Serviced Cloud private cloud solutions

Safe Harbour flounders on judicial rocks

The Safe Harbour agreement, which lets American companies use a single standard for consumer privacy and data storage in both the US and Europe, has been ruled invalid. The agreement, which would have provided clarity and certainty over complex sovereignty issues of data stored in the cloud, seems to have floundered as a result of the whistleblowing activities of Edward Snowden.

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