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5 Office 365 Features That Can Help You Maintain GDPR Compliance

5 Office 365 Features That Can Help You Maintain GDPR Compliance

We all witnessed the flurry of activity that led up to May 25, 2018; the date on which GDPR became enforceable. Organisations and businesses of all types made a gargantuan effort to ensure compliance. However, GDPR compliance is not a one-off effort.

GDPR compliance involves ongoing, but difficult to enforce, habits covering the responsible use and the protection of your customer data. Most resource-pressed businesses will benefit from whatever resources are available. Enter Office 365.

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  3149 Hits
3149 Hits

HTL Heads to 'The Business Show'

HTL at The Business Show UK

On the 16th and 17th of May, HTL demonstrated our broad range of hosted desktop and cloud solutions at Excel London, the biggest exhibition of its kind. Representatives from companies big and small witnessed first hand just how much difference our services could make to their workflows.

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  2218 Hits
2218 Hits

4 Tips to Make Your Cloud More Resilient to A DDoS Attack

 4 Tips to Make Your Cloud More Resilient to A DDoS Attack

DDoS attacks are typically designed to inundate servers and entire networks by consuming computing resources through large volumes of traffic, connections, or requests. And so, because cloud infrastructures are assumed to be backed by a large assemblage of such resources, many people believe their servers are less susceptible to these types of attacks if they’re hosted in the cloud. But that’s not entirely true.

If your servers are hosted in a multitenant environment along with a bunch of other servers belonging to other organisations (which is usually the case in a public cloud), your servers could be at risk of collateral damage. If those other servers (note: not yours) are bombarded by a DDoS attack and your cloud service provider (CSP) attempts to absorb the attack, your own servers, which share the same underlying infrastructure with those other servers, could also suffer.

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  4165 Hits
4165 Hits

Here’s How Cloud Infrastructures Improve Time-To-Market

Achieve faster time to market through Cloud Solutions

Unless your product AND marketing strategies are really exceptional, it’s normally harder to grab mind and market share if competing products have already established themselves earlier. That’s why time-to-market is crucial. It enables you to reach customers ahead of your competitors. In this post, we explain how you can achieve faster time-to-market through cloud solutions.

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  3758 Hits
3758 Hits

Budgeting for IT in The World of Cloud Services

Budgeting for IT in The World of Cloud Services

Settling the finances around your company’s IT requirements can be a fraught process, with information technology often at the bottom of the list of priorities when fixing budgets. Cloud computing has the potential to make budgeting for IT requirements far easier, but there are pitfalls along the way.

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  3667 Hits
3667 Hits

No Disaster Recovery Plan? You Are Taking These 5 Serious Risks

Risks of no Disaster Recovery Plan

Disasters are by definition rare and unpredictable and therefore not front and centre when executives think about day to day operational activities. Yet an information technology disaster can strike any business, and the costs to recover from such an event can be tremendous. As with many risks, the probability of a disaster affecting your company’s information technology infrastructure can be mitigated, and so can the fallout should the worst happen. One of the best ways to reduce the damage is to have a well-designed and tested disaster recovery plan (DRP) in place.

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  10082 Hits
10082 Hits

Business Intelligence in The Cloud - And What It Can Do for You

Business Intelligence in The Cloud - And What It Can Do for You

It is not challenging to see the value in Business Intelligence software. The ability to easily and quickly analyse and report on the data captured by your organisation can transform decision-making processes, delivering insight into the way your company functions – and how your customers respond. Yet in the past, many companies were inclined to put aside any efforts to explore BI products.

Though Excel is a capable and ubiquitous tool for analysing data, users need to have a certain level of expertise that is difficult to come by. For most people, complex spreadsheets are simply too arcane. On the flipside, specialist BI tools hosted locally can be expensive to license and maintain. Enter Cloud BI – an affordable, accessible approach to slicing and dicing data.

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  4443 Hits
4443 Hits

5 Things You Need to Understand About Cloud Security

5 Things You Need to Understand About Cloud Security

Although cloud security is often brought up as a major issue in cloud adoption discussions, there still remain a few misconceptions that need to be corrected and clarified. In order for businesses to make the right steps in securing their cloud-based digital assets, they need to distinguish the myths from the facts. This blog post can help in that regard.

These are some of the basic things you need to understand about cloud security.

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  3463 Hits
3463 Hits

The Cloud: Who Controls Your Data, And Where Is It Stored?

The Cloud: Who Controls Your Data, And Where Is It Stored?

Most businesses make use of cloud services to some degree. Whether it is occasionally dipping into a SaaS application when required or relying on cloud based services for all your computing and storage needs, there is almost always some of your private business data stored in the cloud. This raises questions around who holds ultimate control of data, and the storage location of your data. Surveys illustrate the level of concern: the 2017 McAfee State of The Cloud Survey underlines how only 23% of respondents fully trust public cloud providers to keep their data secure.

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  5745 Hits
5745 Hits

6 Signs Your Business Can Use A Private Cloud

6 Signs Your Business Can Use A Private Cloud

When managed correctly, a private cloud can be a worthwhile investment for certain businesses. It comes with almost all the benefits of public clouds minus the data privacy concerns. Of course, not everyone can afford a private cloud, especially the kind that’s built on-premise (i.e. not virtual private clouds offered by CSPs). So who should invest in one?

In this post, we look at some major indicators that denote a company’s suitability for a private cloud investment.

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  3705 Hits
3705 Hits