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Hybrid Cloud Management: How to Balance On-Premise and Cloud Infrastructure

Hybrid Cloud Management

Cloud adoption has been fast on the rise for years now. At least 94% of businesses are using cloud solutions to a certain extent, with the Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud Report revealing that more organisations are embracing multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies.

Going hybrid is a prudent strategy for many enterprises. The benefits of the cloud are well-documented, but keeping most data and some applications in an on-premise data centre is a security practice fitting for many companies. The ideal solution? A hybrid cloud that offers the best of both worlds.

In this blog post, we offer a clear definition of what a hybrid cloud is and its importance. We also explain the challenges that come with a hybrid environment, and discuss some important aspects to hybrid cloud management.

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  1629 Hits
1629 Hits

7 Best Practices to Improve Organisational Efficiency with IT Managed Services

IT Managed Services

If you're a small or medium-sized business looking to scale your operations and improve organisational efficiency, IT managed services can help jump-start the process. They provide an end-to-end system of delivering, managing, and optimising technology solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. This range of invaluable IT services has propelled the growth of MSPs, as organisations come to rely on them more.

In this blog post, we'll go through seven best practices to enhance efficiency in your operations—from embracing a proactive stance to fostering an environment of continuous improvement. We will also discuss how you can get the most out of incorporating IT managed services into your enterprise’s overall strategies.

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1292 Hits

The Importance of Cyber Security in IT Support

Cyber Security in IT Support

According to Gartner predictions, 45% of organisations will fall victim to a software supply chain attack by 2025—three times as many as that of 2021. And that’s not even counting other types of cyber threats such as levelled-up social engineering/phishing schemes, ransomware, and even nation-state attacks for certain industries. Truly, the value of reliable cyber security in every enterprise can not be emphasised enough.

Most companies are well aware of which aspects of their business operations they should fortify. The key areas most susceptible to malware and other cyber attacks in an organisation are:

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1899 Hits

The Future of IT Security: 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Game


The Future of IT Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the dynamics of many organisations across almost every industry. Companies and the leaders at the helm of these businesses have long realised the benefits of harnessing AI algorithms in their daily operations. From automating and streamlining various business processes to preventing fraud to enhancing data analytics for targeted marketing and better decision making, the impact of AI on enterprises has been nothing short of groundbreaking.

Now while AI development and technological advancement in general has paved the way for various innovations, it has also opened many opportunities for malicious actors to exploit. This is why artificial intelligence has been a major boon but somewhat a bane as well to the IT security industry. Let’s start with the negative ways that AI has affected online security.

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1310 Hits

The Advantages of Cloud Managed Services for Enterprise Businesses

Cloud Managed 

The power of cloud computing has been making transformative changes in many organisations across all industries. Access to cloud solutions have paved the way for businesses to achieve scalability and flexibility in a timely and cost-effective manner, allowing them to innovate and grow with remarkable agility.

As cloud environments meet more intricate and greater business demands however, managing the complexities of cloud applications, platforms, and infrastructure has proven to be a daunting challenge for many companies especially larger enterprises. Cloud managed services have thus, stepped into the picture to address this growing concern of many organisations.

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1045 Hits

How IT Managed Services Can Help with Cloud Migration

Managed IT Services

Cloud technology remains the go-to strategy for businesses looking to save on upfront costs, gain operational efficiencies, and improve scalability. In fact, the Flexera 2023 State of Cloud Report reveals that companies are refining their cloud approaches to maximise cloud use.

A greater number of enterprises are embracing hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategies, and public cloud adoption is rapidly increasing as well. Despite these developments however, there remain several challenges to cloud adoption including security/privacy, lack of qualified cloud experts, compliance, and other setbacks to cloud migration.

In this post, we discuss what cloud migration is, the possible challenges that come with it, and how IT managed services can assist enterprises in their cloud journey.

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1190 Hits

8 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Support

Outsourcing IT Support

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and along with it, innovative solutions in the business world. For enterprises, keeping up with technological developments also means ensuring that your organisation’s hardware, software, and computer networks are working efficiently. But this is easier said than done for smaller businesses with limited IT budgets.

The reality is that maintaining and managing IT infrastructure can be a complex and time-consuming task that usually requires specialised skills and expertise. IT talent, however, is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire and retain in today’s technology-driven business environment. For this reason, many organisations are seeing outsourced IT support as a cost-effective and efficient option to meet their technical support needs.

In this post, we take an in-depth look at outsourced IT support—what it is, what types there are, and what benefits you can gain from IT outsourcing.

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2752 Hits

Tech Support Vs Customer Support Understanding the Key Differences

Tech Support VS Customer Support

Exceptional customer service is par for the course today as businesses are getting more competitive. Besides, given the general reliance on technology, and with some people being less tech-savvy than others, support services have become even more of a necessity.

That customers demand more and better in terms of customer service is also a factor that enterprises should seriously consider. According to software company Freshworks’ collection of customer service statistics for 2023, “64% of customers want a reply within an hour of posting on Twitter, and 85% of customers said they expect a company to respond within six hours.” Quite a tall order, that.

But as to what type of support service should be offered is something that businesses have to identify first: is it technical support or customer support? Confusion between the two is rather common and because of this, the terms are often used interchangeably. This blog post will look into the key differences between tech support and customer support, and why it’s essential to know the distinction.

First off, let’s review their definitions.

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1381 Hits

What is IT Service Management?

IT Service Management

Technology is the core element that drives the business operations of most organisations—from the hardware store down the street that uses cloud solutions for inventory and accounting, to the multinational enterprise that stores data and workloads in a hosted private cloud. With such heavy reliance on IT, you need to make sure that your IT organisation is an optimised, well-oiled machine that brings the most business value.

In this post, we dive into a basic understanding of IT service management (ITSM), why it’s important, and how it can help you best manage your IT initiatives to enable effective service delivery. So, first things first:

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1207 Hits

8 Ways to Use AI in Customer Support for your Business

AI Customer Support

Bill Gates once famously said, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest sources of learning.” Well, in this day and age when technology rules, less-than-satisfied customers can also be a strong impetus for innovation.

When it comes to innovating and making groundbreaking changes across most industries, artificial intelligence (AI) has been leading the pack over the past decade. Machine learning algorithms are being widely used in manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, agriculture, and yes, AI is even highly-leveraged in emergencies and rescue missions.

All that said, customer support for enterprises should be a cinch for artificial intelligence and its subfields, right? No lie there. Already, the Conversational AI Market is anticipated to surge to $40.5 billion by 2032; a 17% increase from the $8.33 billion volume in 2022. This isn’t all that surprising considering how chatbots, virtual agents, and other AI business support applications in general, have totally changed the game in enhancing the customer experience.

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1830 Hits