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Store It Like a Pro: How to Maximise Cloud Storage Benefits

Store It Like a Pro

Cloud computing, the delivery of on-demand computing services over the internet, has revolutionised the way businesses operate across many industries. Cloud storage is one of its most commonly-used applications. This storage method offers many benefits that can prove to be very advantageous for every company that uses it.

Numerous organisations have already switched to the cloud for their storage needs, and it’s only a matter of time before the majority of all data of most enterprises will be stored in the cloud.

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  2257 Hits
2257 Hits

Data Democratisation - What is It and Why is It Important?

Data Democratisation

In this Information Age, businesses have been inundated with all types of data from various sources—social, machine, and transactional data. Despite the rapidly growing flood of big data however, access to information primarily remains with those who have the technical capability to analyse the data.

Now, as more organisations realise the power of data to transform a business, many have recognised the need to make data more accessible to others. Hence, the conversation on data democratisation. In this post, we discuss what it is and why it could be beneficial to your business, why access to data was previously limited to a select few, and what you can do to implement a data democratisation strategy that equally addresses both risks and benefits.

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  2409 Hits
2409 Hits

Why Hyper-convergence Matters for Businesses of All Sizes

Why Hyperconvergence Matters for Business IT

IT managers never want technology solutions that are more complex than they need to be. At the same time, we also want technology solutions that are easy to scale. Of course, complexity gets in the way of scalability.

The trend towards hyperconvergence solves both issues: complexity and scalability. For many workloads, a hyperconverged approach can make life much easier and save costs at the same time. Read on to find out what exactly hyperconvergence is and how can it benefit your technology environment.

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  2641 Hits
2641 Hits

Mobile Payments: The Benefits and Risks for Business

Globally, more and more SMEs are now integrating mobile payments into their payment options because of the ease of acceptance, and are improving sales and offering convenience to customers. This does not mean, however, that there are no downsides to adopting this technology into your business.

In this post, we go over the various factors that should help you evaluate the suitability of using the mobile payment system. But first, let’s have a clear understanding of what it is.

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  2723 Hits
2723 Hits

Six Common IT Mistakes Made by Small Businesses – And How to Avoid Them

Six Common IT Mistakes Made by Small Businesses – And How to Avoid Them

In a tech-first world, even small businesses are highly reliant upon technology to get through the typical business day. Make the wrong decisions around technology, or skimp on IT support services, and it could cost your growing business dearly.

However, with so many things to focus on, growing businesses often leave IT on the backburner – and that leads to mistakes. Here, we list the ten most common IT mistakes growing businesses make – and what they can do about it.

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  1974 Hits
1974 Hits

5 Best Use Cases of Internet of Things

5 Best Use Cases of Internet of Things

Nothing brings together the defining elements of this technological era-connectivity, devices, and data-like the Internet of Things. Put simply, the IoT is a system which connects a vast number of well, things; from simple sensors and consumer wearables, to IoT applications and industrial machines. All of these can be connected through the web to share data and ‘communicate’ with each other.

One of the simplest and best-known applications of IoT is a smart home, in which internet-enabled appliances such as security, lighting, and heating systems can be controlled remotely. While not everybody needs home automation, and some IoT devices should not have seen the light of day (think connected mirrors and smart salt shakers), it cannot be denied that in the more sensible use cases, the Internet of Things does improve how people work and live.

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  2414 Hits
2414 Hits

Why Staff Engagement Is Key to Successful IT Transformation

Why Staff Engagement is Key to Successful IT Transformation

We’re in the midst of a digital transformation wave unlike any we’ve seen in the past – with digital technology transforming companies from the ground up, leaving no aspect of business untouched.

The incredible potential for IT transformation has prompted many companies to take the programme approach, implementing large and wide-reaching IT transformation programmes to harness the power of the current wave of technology. A 2019 study found that 34% of businesses already have a transformation programme in action – with the majority soon to follow.

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  3122 Hits
3122 Hits

The Hybrid Cloud: What is It and Why is It on the Rise?

The Hybrid Cloud: What is it and Why is it on the Rise?

Cloud services have gone a long way since their inception, with more organisations making the monumental decision to shift to a cloud environment. Over the last few years, however, the hybrid version of cloud computing has emerged as the default choice of companies for their ever-changing business requirements.

According to the Flexera 2020 State of the Cloud Report, 87 percent of the enterprises surveyed are adopting a hybrid cloud strategy. In this blog post, we explore what the hybrid cloud is, and more importantly, what is driving its growing widespread adoption among business organisations.

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  2371 Hits
2371 Hits

7 Office 365 Add-Ons That Boost Productivity

7 Office 365 Add-Ons That Boost Productivity

Unless you’re on G Suite, chances are that your company’s staff uses Office 365 apps such as Word, Excel, and Outlook on a daily basis. Office 365 remains the go-to cloud service simply because most office workers are accustomed to Microsoft’s long-standing productivity suite.

Though Office 365 packs in plenty of functions, there is also a wide range of productivity plug-ins that can help you get even more out of your everyday Office apps. We list seven top examples below, and chances are that at least one of these apps will make your working day just that bit more productive.

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  3709 Hits
3709 Hits

How to Leverage Big Data in Small Businesses

How to Leverage Big Data in Small Businesses

Few can dispute the importance of data in the success of any enterprise. As we enter a data-driven environment in the modern workplace, data has become a key factor in practically every aspect of business operations, including manufacturing and production, sales and marketing, human resources, and the decision making of business leaders.

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  2239 Hits
2239 Hits

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