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Linux vs Windows - Which OS is Better?

Which operating system is better

We all love comparisons. One of the oldest comparisons or debates in the history of IT is that which pits Windows against Linux. It’s a subplot of another debate with a much wider scope: proprietary vs open source, but just as relevant for businesses.

For as long as we can recall, Windows has been the OS of choice for most businesses, especially for their PCs and laptops. Linux usage, on the other hand, has been limited to servers and a few departments in certain organisations like research agencies, startups and universities. Does this still hold true in? Let’s talk about it.

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2374 Hits

Reactive vs Proactive IT Support - Know the Difference

Reactive vs Proactive IT Support

When it comes to IT services, many businesses still go for the fix-it-when-it-breaks approach. And why not? They think that getting the services of an IT support company only when a problem actually arises will save them money. But does it really?

If you also think that saving your financial resources for a time when something breaks down is the right way to manage your organisation's IT ecosystem, then it's time for you to know all about reactive and proactive IT support. This should help you to determine which would work best for your business. But first, on to the definitions.

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3051 Hits

Benefits of SaaS vs. Traditional Licences

Benefits of SaaS vs. Traditional Licences

For many businesses, the adoption of cloud-hosted services is no longer a question, cloud provisioning is an accepted fact. As a result, Software as a Service (SaaS) has grown enormously and is now adopted widely, even at enterprise level. That said, some businesses are still operating via the traditional licencing model.

The reason for the shift to the cloud and Software as a Service is simple: the benefits of the SaaS model greatly outweigh the disadvantages. We’ve written this article to remind readers that adopting SaaS was the right choice and to encourage businesses operating a traditional model to finally make the switch.

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4730 Hits

How Will 5G Impact Your Business?

How Will 5G Impact Your Business

The long-awaited and much-hyped 5G network has finally launched in some markets and will be rolled out in more major cities by the second half of 2019. 5G is the fifth and latest evolution of wireless connectivity and is expected to have a transformative impact on consumers’ lives and businesses across most industries. The reason for such excitement is, of course, the high speed, low latency, better network reliability and massive device connectivity that 5G performance promises.

While faster speeds are always a welcome development for end-users, the business landscape is where 5G is anticipated to have the most impact. In fact, an Oracle-commissioned survey of 265 business leaders and IT executives across 11 countries reveals that many enterprises are well aware of the possible opportunities that 5G connectivity can create. More than 80% of the respondents say that it can significantly improve many aspects of business operations, and more than 82% believe that it can pave the way for launching new products and services.

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2676 Hits

Top Tips to Combat VoIP Eavesdropping

Top Tips to Combat VoIP Eavesdropping

VoIP eavesdropping is not a new cybersecurity risk. The protocol that drives most of today’s VoIP applications, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), has been in common use since the 2000s. However, according to IBM SecurityIntelligence, attacks that exploit the SIP protocols are on the rise. Thankfully, businesses have plenty of ways to reduce the opportunities for VoIP eavesdropping. Let’s take a look.

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  4126 Hits
4126 Hits

5 Big IT Trends to Watch Out For

5 Big IT Trends to Watch Out For in 2019

We saw advancements in technology that had never been witnessed. We’re talking about the explosion of voice technology such as Amazon Echo and the Google Assistant; low-code and no-code app development that has paved the way for fast, easy development of custom corporate apps; learning dexterity in robotics; successes in AI and natural language processing (NLP) that allow a machine to complete sentences, as well as other advances. And these breakthroughs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Technology for business and tech, in general, continues to advance, perhaps not as dramatically as before, but it will build on the groundwork already set. Here are the 5 big IT trends that could be hogging the headlines in the next few months.

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2139 Hits

Three Steps to Avoiding Data Loss in Office

Three steps to avoiding data loss in Office 365

The concerns businesses have about handing data over to cloud providers have, to a large extent, been assuaged. The ongoing growth of Microsoft’s Office 365 and the general trend towards cloud computing are evidence of this. Yet, as much as cloud providers are now seen as secure, businesses still need to take steps to prevent the loss of data stored in the cloud.

In an interesting finding, Gartner suggests that through 2022, 95% of cloud security failures will be the fault of customers, not cloud service providers. As much as Office 365 is easy to adopt administrators carry a strong responsibility to maintain security. Here are three steps that can help your business secure its Office 365 data.

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3118 Hits

Open Source Vs Proprietary - Which Type of IT Solution Is Best For Your Business

Open Source Vs Proprietary - Which Type of IT Solutions Is Best For Your Business

It’s a no-brainer. Acquire the solution that is the only solution available. Especially if you have the budget for it and its benefits are crucial to your business. However, what if there are two or more equally attractive options? Oftentimes, the options belong to one of two camps - open source and proprietary. Which one is best for your business?

It’s important to identify the advantages of each camp before you start choosing, because a lot of the problems you can encounter later on are simply due to misconceptions about these two families of software.

There are now many grey areas in the market. For example, a proprietary solution also exposes a substantial, but not total, part of its source code to the public. In this article, we’ll only be focusing our discussions on traditional open source solutions and traditional proprietary solutions.

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4697 Hits

IT System Failure: Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure

IT System Failure: Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure

All businesses suffer when their IT systems fail. The catastrophic fallout can result in considerable income loss and comprehensive damage to reputation. Customer confidence is a precious commodity, and it will evaporate in light of an IT system failure.

Curing the symptoms of an IT failure is possible, but also time-consuming and expensive. A systems outage of even a few hours could result in months' worth of lost earnings. How much value do you place on your brand image? Your brand will suffer considerably in light of a system failure.

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3115 Hits

Data Breaches Have Hidden Costs – Learn What They Are

Data Breaches Have Hidden Costs – Learn What They Are

Data breaches can result in dire financial repercussions for any organisation that has to deal with sensitive data, whether that be personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), payment details, or other similar data. Depending on the number of records compromised, the costs range anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars.

The latest Ponemon study, sponsored by IBM and released in July 2018, calculates the full cost of “mega breaches” (involving more than 1 million lost records) to be $350 million. This figure takes into account the more evident cyber incident expenses such as those for technical investigation, customer breach notification and credit monitoring, regulatory fines and litigation services, among many others. The organisation would also have to cover the cost of investing additional resources into network security improvements.

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2793 Hits