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Why Cloud Computing Saves You Money

Why Cloud Computing Saves You Money

The prevalence of cloud computing is continuing to grow dramatically – the Synergy Research Group reports that cloud computing revenues grew 25% across 2016. In fact, throughout last year several information technology sectors started to see the dominance of cloud technology as a delivery method for technology services. The reason for this is simple: cloud computing makes good business sense and it is often cost savings that are the major driving force.

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3442 Hits

Enjoy the Efficiency of Hosted Desktop with the Performance Graphics Application Users Need

Hosted Desktop Graphics performance with NVIDIA GRID

Hosted Desktop is Now available to firms with heavy graphics demands.

Hosted desktop offers significant benefits to businesses of all types and sizes. Business applications are in the cloud, hosted on our servers in the data centre. Using laptops, PCs, tablets or thin clients, each user’s computing desktop is delivered through a business-class Internet connection.

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3825 Hits

Confused about Privacy: Untangling Safe Harbour, Privacy Shield, and GDPR

Untangling Safe Harbour, Privacy Shield and GDPR

Privacy Shield a more formal compliance framework

The ‘borderless’ internet has created legal problems for nation-states across the globe. Tax laws have brought all sorts of problems for international businesses as well as tax authorities and governments.

The laws on privacy are no less challenging. In the UK, the Data Protection Act, as enforced by the ICO, has been the cornerstone of safeguarding privacy. International standards are bounded by Privacy Shield and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is an area of some confusion. Here we help to untangle it with some key facts about Privacy Shield and GDPR.

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3740 Hits

Cloud Versus On-site: The Facts about IT Security

Cloud Vs. On-premise: The facts about IT security

The facts about IT security

IT security is a topic of conversation that is likely to be a cause for concern for companies of all sizes. There is a perception that larger businesses have superior security, but this isn’t always true. Just ask telecoms giant TalkTalk who were hacked in 2015 and had significant amounts of data stolen, leading to some customers falling victim to fraud.

This shows that it isn’t necessarily size that determines the vulnerability of a company to an IT security breach. It’s the perceived risk, the culture of the business and the security measures that are in place. Big businesses may be at least as vulnerable as their mid-market and SMB counterparts when they don’t have the right safeguards in place.

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5004 Hits

Privacy Shield: Wrangle over Safe Harbour and US Government Access to EU Data Appears Finally Settled

Serviced Cloud ensure privacy and UK data sovereignty of the data of British businesses

Privacy Shield a more formal compliance framework

Disagreement over the Safe Harbour, which let American companies use a single standard for consumer privacy and data storage in both the US and Europe, appears to have finally ended. Safe Harbour was rejected by the EU following leaks by Edward Snowden which discredited it because US Government security agencies were revealed to have flouted the rules.

Safe Harbour let US companies self-certify they protected data about EU citizens appropriately; however, the US National Security Agency practiced widespread surveillance through accessing data which was supposedly protected by Safe Harbour.

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Hosted VoIP Update: Customised Solutions Delivering More Powerful Lower Cost Business Telephony

Serviced Cloud Hosted VOIP solution

Voice and data convergence for higher quality communications

Hosted telephony solutions offer the ability to eliminate a major inefficiency for many businesses – BT telephone and ISDN lines. Often these simply duplicate the connectivity that can be provided equally well via business-class broadband connections.

The budget that is released by decommissioning telephone lines or ISDNs can be used to upgrade and introduce greater resilience to business broadband while delivering an overall lower cost for data and voice connectivity.

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  5644 Hits
5644 Hits

Shooting for the Moon: HTL Support Aiming for Lunar Landing as Well as High Quality Services and Solutions

Lunar Mission Off World data storage

Update: For more information about the progress, please visit

World Space Week 4 -10 October 2015

World Space Week was first introduced by United Nations declaration in 1999 and has grown into the largest public space event on Earth. More than 1,400 events in 80 countries celebrated space exploration in 2014.

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5047 Hits