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How Will 5G Impact Your Business?

How Will 5G Impact Your Business

The long-awaited and much-hyped 5G network has finally launched in some markets and will be rolled out in more major cities by the second half of 2019. 5G is the fifth and latest evolution of wireless connectivity and is expected to have a transformative impact on consumers’ lives and businesses across most industries. The reason for such excitement is, of course, the high speed, low latency, better network reliability and massive device connectivity that 5G performance promises.

While faster speeds are always a welcome development for end-users, the business landscape is where 5G is anticipated to have the most impact. In fact, an Oracle-commissioned survey of 265 business leaders and IT executives across 11 countries reveals that many enterprises are well aware of the possible opportunities that 5G connectivity can create. More than 80% of the respondents say that it can significantly improve many aspects of business operations, and more than 82% believe that it can pave the way for launching new products and services.

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  2958 Hits
2958 Hits

Top Tips to Combat VoIP Eavesdropping

Top Tips to Combat VoIP Eavesdropping

VoIP eavesdropping is not a new cybersecurity risk. The protocol that drives most of today’s VoIP applications, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), has been in common use since the 2000s. However, according to IBM SecurityIntelligence, attacks that exploit the SIP protocols are on the rise. Thankfully, businesses have plenty of ways to reduce the opportunities for VoIP eavesdropping. Let’s take a look.

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  4611 Hits
4611 Hits

Christmas and New Year IT Systems Review Checklist

Christmas and New Year IT Systems review checklist

An ideal time to catch up and set out a review

Many firms experience a pre-Christmas rush of finishing off work and projects in early and mid-December. For items in the workflow that are on-going, there is often a sense of ‘parking’ them over the Christmas - New Year transition period until the return to work in January. Many businesses are likely to have reduced workload and staffing numbers.

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  3439 Hits
3439 Hits

Leveraging the Cloud for Better Voice Communications with Hosted VoIP Telephony

Hosted VOIP solutions with Serviced Cloud

Voice and data convergence for higher quality communications

Voice and data convergence has been an enabler of more convenient and higher quality networked digital communications. This has simplified and increased the efficiency of network infrastructure by allowing voice and data to be carried within the same copper and fibre cables.

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  5108 Hits
5108 Hits